How It Works

Codeless Platform Trains and Generates Bots

Codeless Platform Generates AI Knowledge Bots in Web or Chat Form

Codeless Platform

Our KWaaS Platform builds a digital workforce of AI Knowledge Bots without programming! The platform can generate Knowledge Bots for any purpose in any industry without changing a line of code.

After setting up simple metadata, the platform can:

  • Begin and continue training from unstructured or structured data
  • Update the knowledge base and rules for the Knowledge Bot
  • Generate both the chat and web version of the Knowledge Bot on the fly

Painless and Rapid Deployment – No Programming Required

Creating a Knowledge Bot is as easy as training a new employee.  And it is similar.  They can independently read to gain knowledge or they may be trained by someone.

The important point is that eXalt provides the service to find the knowledge sources in your company (people, websites documents, databases, etc.) and then trains your Knowledge Bots for you.  

There is no coding, no IT projects with risks, delays and high costs.

We assume that our Knowledge Bots have to keep up with changes and there are no change fees for them to stay up to date!